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Genetica e areale del lupo africano (C.lupus lupaster)

Inviato: 29 mar 2014, 18:53
da pigrofalco
Canis lupus lupaster_tracciatura genetica e areale (lupo africano)..pdf
Cito dallo studio:

"Observations of wolf-like canids (hereafter referred to as Canis sp.) living at the near periphery of packs of golden jackals (Canis aureus ) were made in July 2011 by CB, twelve km east from Parc National du Djoudj, in northern Senegal. At this site, Canis sp.individuals were distinctively larger and darker than the golden jackals[...]"

sotto, lupo africano a sinistra e sciacallo dorato a destra:
African wolf_vs_golden jackal.JPG